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Why don’t hearing aids block the feedback they generate?

hearing aids in Dover, NH
– 3 minute read

Your Guide to Eliminating Unwanted Hearing Aid Noise 

Hearing aids are technological marvels, aren’t they? They pack powerful, advanced technology into tiny devices that fit in or behind your ear. But sometimes, like all technology, they don’t always behave the way we’d like. One of the most common complaints is feedback – that annoying whistle or squeal that seems to have a mind of its own. But have you ever wondered why hearing aids don’t block this feedback themselves? 

It’s a surprising glimpse into the workings of these small but mighty devices. Let’s unravel the mystery behind hearing aid feedback and learn useful tips on how to minimize it. 

Where Does Hearing Aid Feedback Come From?

Hearing aid feedback has a way of sneaking up, often attributed to a few common culprits. Let’s walk through the usual suspects:

  • Poorly-Fit Hearing Aid – A loose hearing aid can lead to sound seeping out and reentering the device, creating a loop and causing feedback. A well-fitted hearing aid ensures sound is directed where it’s needed. 
  • The Volume Is Too High – Turning the volume up too high might cause amplified sounds to escape and loop back into the hearing aid microphone, resulting in feedback. Moderate volume levels can mitigate this issue. 
  • Earwax Accumulation – A buildup of earwax can cause sound waves to bounce back into the hearing aid, leading to feedback. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent this occurrence. 
  • Damage & Mechanical Issues – Faulty parts or damage to the hearing aid, such as broken tubing or a dislodged microphone, can lead to feedback. Regular check-ups with a professional can ensure your device performs at its very best.

Minimizing Unwanted Noise from Your Hearing Aid

There are several strategies to minimize and mitigate the annoyance of unwanted noise and feedback from your hearing aid. First, maintain a regular cleaning regimen for your hearing aids to prevent earwax and debris from disrupting your device’s ability to work the way it should. You should also ensure you have a device that fits properly, as a well-fitted hearing aid will be less prone to feedback. Don’t hesitate to consult your audiologist for adjustments if your hearing aid feels loose or uncomfortable. 

Be mindful of volume control. A volume that’s set too high can generate feedback. Lastly, invest in regular check-ups with your hearing professional. This allows for early detection of any mechanical issues that may lead to feedback, ensuring your device remains in prime condition. Implementing these steps can significantly reduce the likelihood of hearing aid feedback and enhance your listening experience. 

If Feedback Persists, True North Hearing Can Help

Understanding and managing hearing aid feedback can make a world of difference in your hearing experience. It helps ensure the technology designed to enhance your life does so without introducing other challenges. By recognizing the potential sources of feedback and adopting strategies to minimize it, you can actively participate in caring for your hearing health. However, remember that you’re not alone in your journey—professional help is just a call away. If you’re experiencing persistent feedback from your hearing aids or have any other concerns about your hearing health, schedule an appointment with a specialist at True North Hearing. Let’s work together to keep your world filled with clear, beautiful sounds. 

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